Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Helpful Hydration

Tuesday's Tip

Having a hard time getting in those 8 recommended glasses of water every day? Lots of delicious fruits and veggies have very high water contents, so put them into your daily meals to assist in reaching that daily H2O goal. Watermelons and strawberries are some of the most popular summer fruits, and, coincidentally, they also take first and second place among fruits with high water content. As for veggies, lettuce and cucumbers are at the top of the list for high water content. If you were to make a delicious salad for lunch one day consisting of lettuce, cucumbers, watermelon chunks, strawberries, and chicken breast, your water content will be much closer to what it needs to be throughout the day, and you will have just enjoyed a tasty, fresh lunch with some of summer's bests!

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! You are too "sweet" ;)