Tuesday, October 14, 2014

TV Toning

Tuesday's Tip

This time of year is when our favorite TV shows start returning from their summer hiatus. Whether you record them or watch them when they air, you know that you will be allotting either 30 or 60 minutes to sitting on your couch invigorated in that show. BUT WAIT! What if you changed the last part of that statement to "exercising while invigorated in that show"? Time seems to be one of the most common excuses people use for not getting their workouts in, but a lot of things that you do throughout the day could be dedicated to exercise while doing that task. Ever heard of the saying, "Kill 2 birds with 1 stone"? There are some exercises that do not require a lot of focus which would make those the best for doing while watching your favorite TV shows. You wouldn't necessarily want to bench press while watching your show because that workout requires a lot of focus to ensure it is being done safely. However, stretching, lifting free weights, or doing routines that just involve using your body would be perfect low-key yet effective exercises to do as you stay up to date with your favorite TV show. So, allot that TV time to sneaking in some sort of exercise. You won't even realize you are doing it because the show will have you fully encaptured!

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! You are too "sweet" ;)