Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Minty Fresh Iced Tea

Tuesday's Tip

A friend was recently in town, so a group of us decided to go out to lunch together. The out-of-towner ordered an iced tea with mint in it which the rest of us raised a questioning eyebrow to. She is running in 2 half marathons in early 2015, and part of her training involves drinking no alcohol. To keep things exciting, she adds mint to iced tea to make it look and taste like a fancy drink when, in reality, it is a healthy beverage with a bit of unique flavoring. Well, it turns out that she is on to something! Mint actually enhances the flow of bile which is what is responsible for moving food through the digestive system. Having a glass of this deliciously refreshing mint and iced tea after a meal can really help your digestive system do its job, so replace the sugar with some fresh mint leaves! (I take back any sarcastic comments about beverage choices at that lunch.)

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! You are too "sweet" ;)