Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Don't Let Hearty Mean Fatty

Tuesday's Tip

As the winter months bring cold weather, even in the "Sunshine State" of Florida, I find myself craving hearty stews for dinner. Something about staying inside and indulging in those warm crock pot meals doused in thick gravy sounds so comforting when it's chilly, doesn't it? This can easily turn into the Winter Weight Gain Fest, though, as we find ourselves getting plump just like the animals who live outside do to stay warm in the cold. Don't let this happen to you! There are plenty of delicious crock pot meals and stews that substitute those thick gravies with spices and healthier liquid combinations that taste just as good AND provide you with more nutrition. Staying healthy can be difficult during the winter as the flu and colds are prevalent, but nourishing your body with what it needs will help keep it in tip-top condition and ready to battle those sicknesses. 

*Ingredients to avoid in crock pot meals: soups that begin with "cream of"

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! You are too "sweet" ;)